A bus.
A guy walks in.
With a plastic helmet.
Handcuffs cuffed around his wrists.
A machine gun tied to his side.
Two plastic bags under his arm
Full of plastic novelties.
Most people think he is crazy.
And he is a freak.
By living a life full of plastic.
When everyone else is so real.
I think. Damn his life is awesome.
To most he seems disabled but
Is the most able to be free.
he is whatever he wants to be.

Story #7: We were sitting in a local bus when this guy with all his plastic toys came in. Handcuffs, walkie-talkie, a bunch of keys, a rifle. He was mumbling and acting like a child as a full grown man with an Asian beard. But he didn't care what all these people think about him. That should be inspiring for everyone, not the fact that he problably has no choice over it, but we do. Life shouldn't be taken too seriously.
(January 4th, 2018, George Town (Penang), Malaysia)